Monday, 8 December 2008


hiya everybody! Today I am sick. My tempreture is about 37.7 c. At that time my head was dizzy and I vomited 3 times. But I recovered and now my tempreture is 37.1c. Gotta go and eat dinner. Bye! Bye!

Thursday, 13 November 2008

#2 in class !!!

Hi everybody,do u know why am I soo happy today ? If u don't know just read :

When I came back after dinner , I went 'n' called my friend what to bring for school tomorrow , she told me " Ashley, tomorrow actually no need to come to school . But u need to come 'cause tomorrow is prize giving day . U won 2nd prize 'n' I won 3rd prize . ( I was surprised when she said the words in bold 'cause I got 4th prize in primary 2 ) Tomorrow only bring water bottle 'n' wallet . But u can only bring to family members if u want , but u must be there before 8 o'clock . Bye bye ! "

Tuesday, 21 October 2008


Hi long time no see! Do u know holidays are comming? And I'm going to Bintan! My birthday 'n' Chrismas are both on holidays! Cool uh? I find it very good to have my birthday on holidays , 'cause no need to go school... I don't like to go school 'cause got a lot of homework 'n' cannot play with Georgia(if Georgia go school , I'd rather go school 'cause verey boring at home 'n' mummy will give me homework). And I'm sure teacher will give me lots of homework 'cause exam is comming... Exams are very scary one leh... Ok, gotta go 'cause Georgia's comming back! See u next time! Bye! Bye!

Tuesday, 15 April 2008

___ear(rhyming poem)

Mr. Bear wears a pear costume to a party this year.
After the party, Mr.Bear clears the mess which he fears.
Dear Mr. Bear is so tired that he is near to tears.
From the rear, comes Mr. Deer to help him clear.
Five drops of tears fell onto Mr. Bear's pear dress.

Monday, 14 April 2008

___oo___(rhyming poem)

Pooh with his boots and a hook, cooked some food from the book.
He took a spoon to cool the food that looked like some ooze.
Soon, the fool zoomed across the room, and went to the loo.
Oh, poor little Pooh.

Sunday, 13 April 2008

___ny(rhyming poem)

Danny,the brainy bunny,has a runny nose.
Granny asks nanny to give him some carrot dose.
Bunny gets funny and plays with Sunny,the pony, with his eyes closed.

Saturday, 12 April 2008

___ at(rhyming poem)

A fat cat with a hat sat on a mat and chat with a rat.
Oh what a brat!

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

The Squirrel

whisky frisky hippety hop. Up he goes to the tree top! Whirly twirly round and round. Down he scampers to the ground! Furly curly what a tail! Tall as a feather broad as a sail. Where's his supper? In the shell. Snappity crackity out it fell!